Mapping Interconnected Care

In the article called Mapping Interconnected Care by Restler I was able you understand a little more about how student can see their students and what can happen when you try to have a "power trip on them" It helped me see more on how students should have just as much respect to the teacher as the teacher to the student. Student are not going to me open to learning if they can't be open with their teacher.

Students need to feel safe were they are and not be judge. Safe space is imported to anyone.

The image of the tie and it being label as power is really sticking with me. It is true many people in power where a tie to show they have some type of power. I never looked at how much the ties has an image of power until I started looking on line at it. People look for different colors to where to show of different types of power or to get something they want. It is so shocking to me.

Sometimes there is a power struggle in the classroom between teachers and students....

where is that going to get anyone.....they should feel they are working together to get somewhere and that what they have to say or do will really matter.

Students should feel empowered to be leaders in the community, their education and family. It all works together to succeed in life.

Youth are finding themselves and they should not be
focused in feel or being something they are not or don't want to be. Student should be able to connect with other students and not be afraid of what a teacher or other students might stay. When reading the article to made me think a little about the teen suiside rate in the county and why is it so high? How can we make it so the student know there is somewhere to go and talk to a teacher, parent and/or a youth space to help them get though the crazy world we leave in.

Information on Suiside just in Rhode Island
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for Rhode Islanders ages 15 to 34.
On average one person dies every 3 days in the state.
Suicide cost Rhode Island a total of $168,566,000 of combined lifetime medical and work loss cost in 2010, or an average of $1,306,717 per suicide death.
(information taken from


  1. I think it is great that you linked this to suicide rates among teens. It is important for us as youth workers to pay attention to them and give them access to the resources they need.


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